It takes at least 60 seconds to explain the core of Latveria. If you don’t have 1 minute and want to get straight to the point, you can take a look at the gallery of past projects completed for some brands, or to our video channel with some tools we uploaded. Some projects speak for themeselves…
In the past 15 years dozens of companies, both individuals and organizations, have turned to us wanting to communicate their projects and products to those willing to listen.
We translate these requests into projects of communication.
Project design requires thought that exceeds the narrow confines used to define products: from graphics and creativity, to what we find pleasing, to the point of organizing the many activities necessary to facilitate and legitimize an act of purchase. While each project is diverse, but there are
(3) necessary steps to follow.
1. Putting together a team means selecting competent people (internally and externally) that will take charge of research, project prototyping, creativity, development, and finalization, up until the final stage of evaluation and feedback.
2. Precisely defining communication and business objectives, regarding their impact on the brand’s reputation.
3. Understanding to whom we are speaking, while also considering the “how” and the “where.” These people must be willing to listen in some way and we must capture their attention. They are our project network. Our audience. Those who respect us. We must show that we are capable of doing something for them, to make their lives easier or to add further value to the product and brand of interest.
We know that the sector of communication has changed (along with many other factors) in recent years. This includes modes of “transmitting” a “message” to a “target” through various channels such as multimedia storytelling. Peer2Peer relationships have increased as well, as prophetically argued by Levine, Locke, Searls and Weinberger in their 1999 thesis, Cluetrain Manifesto.
And we must not forget a full and unconditional love for the brand and the people who choose to work with us. Know that we propose transparency, availability, communication, and content that is not predictable or repetitive, but rather projects that are interesting, creative, engaging, and original: all essential pathologies of corporate communication.
Products have become projects.
Today ‘Design Thinking’ has become a byword for ‘Innovation’. It seems banal, but it is important to emphasize that no one these days launches a business by simply imagining a product that is original, functional or similar to lots of other products that are available in large quantities and at any market price. Every purchase involves information, emotion, courtesy, reputation, engagement, sharing, originality and meticulous care.
This begins from the initial concept of the product/project and continues right through the purchase experience to the final assessment of its worth. To sustain this approach, Latveria has generated two spin offs at its headquarters: DMC and its joint project with SBA Istanbul.
This approach, that we firmly believe in and strongly recommend, is called ‘Design Management’.
To apply it, we have established DMC Bologna (Design Management and Consulting Bologna), a Latveria spin off that is located in the same premises as our design agency. DMC is an association that works with public and private clients who understand the value of design thinking and wish to profit from the application and transmission of its key criteria.
These include team building, research, training and the redesign of internal and consultancy resources, often through small or collective workshops organised for teams working on specific projects.
Latveria now has a ‘Turkish Department’. In recent years we have provided various services to Turkish companies in the fashion and fabric sector and we have also established a special relationship with SBA Istanbul. SBA is an institution that helps Turkey’s leading companies to access the Turquality programme Turquality and we work with them to improve their approach to communications, trade fairs, internet, merchandising and franchising. Turkey is a complex country with a class of entrepreneurs who are highly determined and clearly focused on improvement and innovation.
Branding & identity, Web, Video and Outfitting
To give you an idea of the kind of support that Latveria can offer your business, we have regrouped some finished works into four easy categories.
If you wish, you can read this brief document that encompasses the ideologies that went into the foundation of the studio. We have named it ‘Magna Charta’. It is a statement of intent that presents our concerns, motivations, and what drives us in the pursuit of beauty in the form of order, harmony, and well-being for the body and the soul. Above all, it is a common language designed to include everyone, and that is our promise.
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
Branding & Identity
art. 1 – Latveria is a free stated based on the production, storage, and distribution of Beauty.
art. 2 – In Latveria, Beauty is considered the only way to guarantee freedom, pleasure, success, and happiness.
art. 3 – In Latveria, distinctions of race, religion, sex, and age are considered unnecessary. What is truly important is to consider the difference between the Beautiful and the Ugly. In the free state of Latveria, preference does not define Beauty. Something is beautiful simply because it is Beautiful.
art. 4 – Imperative in the production of Beauty is to determine the unique style and personality of each object and individual that surrounds us.
art. 5 – Latveria proposes a strict syntax and grammar in the construction of Beauty, and is committed to its spread among populations without imposing royalties.
art. 6 -The Beauty produced at Latveria is controlled democratically and exclusively by local and international markets (sovereign and superhuman systems.).
We are in the heart of the oldest university in the Western world. We build a solid identity, we create memorable brands, functional websites and develop creative projects to 360 °.
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